Wednesday, May 12, 2010

9 More Days..

Heya to all HMC students! How is all the classes going? XP
Heres some updates about Thriller Night..

The Participants for this event has already reached to 122!! D8

Never in history in HELP that have more than 100 plus people in one orientation night! XD

Awesome! That shows that how AWESOME this event is going to be..and of course.. That also means more guys and girls will be coming *grims*

Thank You all for participate thing btw.. XP

Its 100 plus participants.. but that doesnt mean we will stop selling tickets already.. DONT STOP!! Keep those participants coming! We still got one more week plus till the event.. so dont stop buy the ticket! XD

I've heard many students from the corridor saying that..

'Im going to come in just black shirt and jeans thats all..'

Well, to be honest.. Its Thriller night.. Why dress up this way only? o.O

Come with a scary mask.. or come with some very very cool and scary costume!! XD Just to make the event more lively and more into the feeling of Thriller.. dress up as a spooky monster! XD

Welll this is just a suggestion.. Its not that you MUST come with a costume or something.. but for the sake of sporting.. try to get one. You still got 9 more days to hunt for it! XD

Heres some common suggestions for the costume..
-china zombie
-L4D Hunter

Anything that you think is looks very very scary and awesome! XP Just dress up and come! It will make the serrounding more interesting..

P/S: Its Thirller Night.. So, I hope no ANGELS will sudden appear in this event.. XD

There are sales for glowing sticks around the corridor.. we will be selling it around the campus and also for the night itself..  But since it for the purpose of fund raising.. just go and buy one just for fun! XD

The money will all go into our End Year Prom.. XP
Only NINE more days to go till Thriller Night.. IS everyone Thrilled Yet!? XD

This is going to be great.. see you guys on that night.. XP

This is Klex.. Signing off..

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thriller Night Updates

Hey Hey from HMC!! How is everyone doing these days? Hope all of you are excited and cant wait for the next Orientation Night AKA Thriller Night. XP

Enough talk.. get straight to the point..

Here are the lastest news..
-Some of you may had heard of some movie screening in HMC.. sorry but the movie screening was cancel due to some reasons.. X(

-Thriller Night date has changed from 7th MAY to 21st MAY. Well it still falls on friday.. so that doenst really make any much difference. So i hope you guys can still make it. XP

-The ticket selling booth place has changed from HELP desk to the desk infront of Learning Space 5. If you can see some students holding tickets with some posers about Thriller Night, you should be at the right track. XP

-In another 2 weeks time.. there will be scary creatures in masks walking around the HMC corridors on Wednesday (19th MAY).. Dont be afraid of them.. instead approach them and buy tickets from them! XD

Just a few more weeks to Thriller Night!! So quickly come and buy your tickets before all the beautiful tickets are all sold off. XD

Alittle last few tips for the readers and the coming participants:
-The date of the thriller night has changed, so make sure you make yourself free on that night.

-Lets be a little bit more sporting and wear some scary costumes as well.. or easier to be.. just wear a scary masks.

This is going to be a night to be remember.. LETS ALL HAVE FUN!! 

This is Klex, signing off. XP